• Lavrens on Peters: "A Sacrificial Lamb Before The Government"

    October 6, 2024
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    The following message was texted by Rebecca Lavrens to her daughter Laura on October 3. It is published here with permission.

    "Prison Sentence of Nine Years Handed Down to Tina Peters Today"

    As I write my message to you this evening, I'm angry, sickened, and sad, yet at the same time inspired and proud of a woman I am privileged to know personally, who has been bold and courageous to stand up for her convictions and the country that she loves.

    Tina Peters fought a long and hard battle for the charges against her. She took her position seriously (contrary to the blatant opinion of the judge who sentenced her today) as County Clerk in Mesa County, Colorado. She thought for herself, used the intelligence God gifted her with to ask questions, to seek for truth, to exercise her 1st Amendment right to free speech for what she believed was truth and the right thing to do. Was it wrong for her to speak out? Those with the opposite opinion have no problem saying what they believe but are doing everything they can to silence those who don't think as they do.

    When I was sentenced on August 12th to a year's probation, 6 months house arrest, banned from the internet and fined $103,000, the judge made a point in saying my faith had been displaced. He was emphatic that I was not to question the government, to trust them, basically saying that they were above God and my 1st Amendment right to speak.

    Tina has now become a sacrificial lamb before the government who charged her… a government whose goal and intent is to silence "we the people," so they can continue with their socialist/marxist agenda which is to remove God from not only our government, but our culture. And they are being more emboldened every day with their agenda.

    Tina was well aware of what her sentence could be, yet she was not willing to back down from the truth. I don't know why the sentencing went the way it did. Tina did nothing wrong, neither did I on January 6, but people will say we were both at fault. Maybe God just wants to use a woman like Tina Peters or a "J6 Praying Grandma" to wake up those who are sitting on the sidelines spectating, to take action. For as the 19th century statesman Edmund Burke proclaimed, "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

    It's already here…the Marxist agenda to dethrone God…to take away your voice. How close to home does it need to get before you take action. What will you DO? Will you sit back and watch or will you seek God for the action He wants YOU to take so we can…

    Make America Godly Again!"


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