October 25, 2024
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Guest Post by William B. Scott

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A Fictional ‘What if…?’

Fall 2020 - Classified Location

“That’s the most insane ‘suggestion’ I’ve heard in the last four years! I’ve tolerated a million stupid ideas in recent times, but none as damned crazy as this!” the president barked. “Do you honestly think Donald Trump would merely stand on the sidelines and let these crooked morons steal the 2020 election?”

“Sir, of course it sounds crazy! But hear me out, OK?” the retired Army general said. Codenamed “Cobalt,” the man was the most feared of all the president’s closest advisers. At least by the Democrat Socialists’ senior leaders. Cobalt had irrefutable dirt on every one of them.

“Boss, the best cyber warriors in America are locked-and-loaded, ready to monitor every vote transaction on election night. Thanks to extremely classified AI tools…”

“Artificial Intelligence?” the president interrupted.

“Yessir. These AI systems can track and time-tag every bit and byte that moves on election night. Anywhere in the world. Our experts are monitoring China, Russia, North Korea and other international bad boys, but giving top priority to domestic vote tallies and reports.”

“The people in twenty-sixteen were great at blocking cheaters. Same team?”

“Most are the sixteen folks, but we have sharp new troops armed with far better AI algorithms and methods than we had four years ago. And every one of these cyber-warriors is a non-partisan, hundred-percent patriot, committed to making sure America remains a representative constitutional republic.”

“So…why not sic them onto the Deep State’s hired goons and block their cheating—vote-flipping, stuffing drop boxes with fake ballots…whatever—like your team did in twenty-sixteen? Why the Hell should we sit back and let cheaters run up a fake vote count, unopposed, in 2020?

“Look, standing on the sideline makes not one damned bit of sense!” he continued, red-faced. “Why should I let The Demented One—who’s cowered in his basement for months, while I’ve been busting my tail campaigning all over the country—eke out a false victory? He and ‘Kackles’ would be an absolute disaster for America!”

Nodding in vigorous agreement, Cobalt pressed on. “You’re absolutely correct, sir. Yes, we could step in and block all the overseas and domestic vote-flipping without breaking a sweat. And you’d win this election by millions of votes. Guaranteed. If our supercomputer projections are anywhere close to correct—and ours are light-years better than the fake media ‘polls’—you’ll get ten-to-fifteen million more votes than Slow Joe will. I guarantee the final tally will be the most votes ever cast for an American president. Ever!”

“Then we win by a landslide, and we'll have another four years to finish getting America back on-track! Just block the damned cheaters!” Trump shouted.

Astutely, the retired general quietly countered, “And you’ll spend another four years battling a rabid lobbyist- and Democrat-owned Congress. A cabal of vicious Deep State bureaucrats who’ll do absolutely anything to retain power and their cushy high-dollar positions. ‘Woke’ corporate execs, and a depraved cartel of international figures bought and paid for by the World Economic Forum, George Soros, Big Tech and a dozen billionaire oligarchs allied with the Deep State. Collectively, they’re the military-industrial-intelligence-corporate-media cabal that’s been attacking you since you announced you were running for president in 2015.

“Do you really want to be distracted by endless lawsuits, impeachments, false accusations and attacks for another four years?” he continued. “Always fighting a hostile media that’s determined to take you down?

“You’re tough, boss, but those jackals will never stop nipping at your heels, wearing you down through endless ‘lawfare’ suits to make sure you can’t finish the job Americans elected you to do. Globalists—specifically ‘The Council’-- hate the fact that you disrupted their decades-long campaign to bring the United States to her knees. Naive Marx-lovers won’t stop, until you and millions of smart American patriots are crushed and tossed out of their way.

“And to be blunt,” the officer added, “you’re not as young as you were four years ago...sir. How much longer will you have the energy, the stamina to fight this endless domestic war?”

Trump glared at his most trusted advisor. “That’s not for you to judge, general.” Still, it was impossible to ignore the truth, when it was shoved in your face. He was tired. Damned tired. And he still had a month of hard campaigning ahead.

“Alright. For the sake of argument,” he growled, “exactly how would election night go down? If I consent to this crackpot deal?”

“Our cyber warriors will surveil and track every vote that’s submitted, counted and transmitted to central election facilities in each state,” Cobalt explained, pointing to a graphic of the United States.

“Hold it! How the Hell is that remotely possible?” the president injected, jabbing a finger at the general’s laptop screen. “Every vote?”

“Sir, our AI systems can do it. They’re coupled with a very complex surveillance network that enables tracking every single poll worker and voting machine.”

“What do you mean by ‘surveil’? How can you spy on millions of individuals in vote-tally centers, let alone monitor communication channels between precincts and central facilities? That’s frappin’ impossible!” Trump threw up his hands in frustrated disgust.

Cobalt smirked and tapped the keyboard, bringing up another graphic. “It is possible, and our guys proved it, during the primary elections last year, sir! Very complex, yes; but one of our national labs made an incredible breakthrough in quantum computing and communication that enables ‘monitoring’ every election-related facility in the country.”

“Humor me,” the president grumped. “How?”

Cobalt pursed his lips and stared at the ceiling a long moment, before answering. “We use the electrical power system. Quantum-level signals ride on power lines, and any electrical device in a room becomes a sensor that can ‘monitor’ people’s actions, conversations and interactions with computers, phones, photocopiers, reprogrammed Dominic voting machines and—believe it or not—coffee machines. All totally undetectable.”

Trump stared at his most-trusted ally, stunned. “You’re sh…. And AI can sort through terabytes of data to identify who’s committing fraud?”

“Actually, petabytes of data, sir. More than a thousand terabytes. On the fly. Before the 2020 election is decided, our team will have ID’d every dishonorable Deep State bureaucrat and compromised election official in the nation.”

“So why not nail them right then? Arrest and haul these weasels into court, right after this election?”

Cobalt took a deep breath. “Because we have reason to believe the courts won’t take action. Even when presented with iron-clad evidence.”

Trump slammed a fist on the table. “Even the Supremes, I suppose! So, every frappin’ judge in America’s still afraid of being targeted by the Left’s army of Antifa and BLM thugs? Is that it?”

“Some are, yes. Most are worried about the safety of their families. But we have the means to fix that, sir.” Trump grimaced and rolled his eyes. “Please hear me out, sir!” Cobalt pressed. “Once we’ve sifted through all the data scarfed up by our AI system—which will ID the worst election-fraud players—we’ll start taking action to hold every one of them accountable. Not only via the thoroughly compromised, corrupted ‘justice’ system, either.”

“What exactly does that mean? I won’t be a party to anything illegal! You, of all people, should know that by now!”

“Sir, trust me. For convoluted and classified reasons—all legal—you do not want to know everything. But I guarantee none of those people will be physically harmed.”

Trump again growled and flicked a hand. “Right! I can read between those wink-wink lines, general. Not physically harmed…?”

“Bottom line, sir,” Cobalt interrupted, anxious to wrap up a conversation he’d dreaded for months, “is this: By allowing the Democialists and their Chinese, Russian, Iranian and other wicked allies to flip votes from you to Joe—and manufacture millions of fake ballots on election night—we’ll ID and nail every untrustworthy player in their ugly cartel-of-corruption. Then we’ll take care of them. Guaranteed.”

The president wagged his head and sighed. “You know, if these crooks win, the American people will be devastated! Sleepy Joe and The Kamel, bolstered by bought-off Democrats in the House and Senate, will absolutely demolish the American economy. They’ll ram through trillions in senseless spending, shut down the entire oil and gas industry, strangle critical producers with stupid ‘diverse, equity and inclusion’ regulations, and totally force that gawdawful Marxist ‘Green New Deal’ crap down our throats. Out-of-control spending and gutting oil and gas production will spike inflation into the stratosphere. This nation may not survive four years of Democrat incompetence!”

Cobalt grimaced. “You’re right, of course. History has proven that corrupt Democialists are incapable of governing, without screwing up the economy and getting us into endless wars. But there’s an upside: Three-hundred million Americans will re-discover that woo-woo ideologies and stupid policies DO. NOT. WORK!

“You can bet Slow Joe will pick a circus of incompetent clowns as his Cabinet, based on race, gender, weird proclivities and whacked-out, unworkable ideas. Dem policies and spending will virtually destroy the American economy—and might trigger a hot war, God forbid. As a result, though, today’s far-left, Democrat-Socialist party will implode, and it’ll take a batch of gutless RINOs down with it. A majority of Americans will finally wake up and realize that self-anointed, globalist elites—Washington’s perennial ruling class--are hopelessly inept, pathetic, anti-Constitution and anti-freedom America-haters. I guarantee that a hundred-million angry voters will crush the Dems in 2024. Then you can get on with fixing and saving the nation, sir.”

The president stood and started pacing, head down. Long minutes later, he said, “Alright. I may regret it, but you’re cleared to launch this cockamamie plan. You have a name for it?”

 “DEADFALL. A trap to expose and eliminate corrupt Deep State bureaucrats, particularly those committing election fraud, and international bad guys.”

Trump scowled. “I don’t want thousands of election volunteers rounded up and charged with crimes. Hell, most of them won’t know how votes are being flipped or which ballots are fake and which are legitimate.”

“No problem, sir. We’re focused on taking out the big kahunas, the brains behind sophisticated cyber-fraud tools like THUNDER and TOUCHDOWN, powerful software and apps that our intel services developed to control elections in targeted countries. And I guarantee DEADFALL will wipe out the global cabal that’s committed to destroying America—and maybe the entire Western World—through sophisticated election manipulation.

“When we nail several of the key architects and orchestrators of the most egregious election fraud—like vote-flipping and changing vote totals, during transmission between reporting precincts and state-level aggregators—we believe the word will travel like wildfire. Scared small-fry fraudsters will get religion and refuse to go along with ‘the program’ in the 2024 election.”

“Really? That’s a massive leap-of-faith! Sounds more like hope, not data-based projection,” the president snorted.

“Yeah, it does, sir. But SYBIL, our AI system, projects that’s exactly what will occur, however nonintuitive it seems to us mere humans. No guarantees, but SYBIL says thousands of election officials and poll workers worried about going to prison will refuse to go along with Democialist fraud schemes in 2024. Besides, most of those volunteers are common folks who, by then, will be acutely aware of how the Dems’ irrational policies are harming them—common citizens and their families.”

Trump continued pacing, hands thrust deep in his slacks’ pockets. “The ‘Big Kahunas’ aren’t going to roll over easily. Who are these big-time marionettes and how do you propose to ‘neutralize’ the devils—without killing or harming them?”

The general leaned forward, elbows on knees, before responding. “Sir, it’s complicated, and you probably won’t believe what I’m about to tell you. Because it sounds like bald-face science fiction. But I’ve seen the technology perform and can personally verify it's valid.

“First, we make sure the primary targets SYBIL identified are the most-evil globalist elites. Davos Demons—the carefully selected perfumed princes and princesses who convene in Switzerland and dream up strategies to eliminate freedom, while enriching themselves.”

“I’m well-aware of the Davos crowd of crooks,” Trump said, waving the general on. He’d stopped pacing. “How about the World Economic Forum and their crooked financial collaborators?”

“The WEF criminals and their international finance lapdogs are at the top of our list. They’ve seriously damaged America already. By illegally cooperating, corrupt bankers are withholding capital from entire business sectors, such as energy--oil, natural gas, coal--and firearm producers. And they’re very close to instituting China’s repulsive practice:  a digital currency linked to an oppressive social credits system.”

“Got it. Been briefed on both. And I’m on-record saying I’ll never, ever let those disgusting evils be unleashed on the American people,” Trump declared.

“Damn straight, sir!” Cobalt grinned, popping a half-salute. “Secondly, this is how we take these evil-doers off the field:  We pinpoint each person’s location via remote viewing. Yes, it sounds like California woo-woo, but the CIA had a very effective RV program for at least fifteen years. Then it was ‘officially’ shut down. We took it ‘full-black’ when I was…uhh…in a certain command position, and—trust me--the program has been very effective.”

Trump nodded. He was well-aware of his ally’s deep-black history.

“Wasn’t easy, but we’ve acquired genetic data on most of The Council’s key players,” Cobalt explained. “SYBIL confirmed that virtually all of them were initial recipients of the Covid-19 vaccines, even though insiders like Fauci, Gates and drug company execs knew the vax was ineffective and potentially dangerous. Nevertheless, pandemic fears prompted even elites to get vaccinated ASAP.

“Armed with genetic and vaccination data, we simply expose those people to what’s called ‘tailored quantum dissociation’ signals and make the worst Davos Demons, WEF Wolves and Soros Sickos literally disappear.”

Ignoring the cutesy designations, Trump homed in. “What the hell does ‘disappear’ mean in spook-speak?”

Tight-lipped, the general chose his words deliberately. “Transport them to another dimension, sir. They’re still perfectly healthy human beings but can no longer interact with anybody or anything on this side. What we consider our reality.”

“Good grief,” Trump mumbled. “A Star Trek ‘transporter’? That’s nuts! You really expect me to swallow that just on your say-so?”

“I had to see it myself, ‘cause I didn’t believe it possible, either, sir. Without the techie details, suffice to say that our ‘spook’ scientists and engineers benefited tremendously from Nikolai Tesla’s work and a couple of reverse-engineered vehicles that crashed in New Mexico back in the forties.”

Trump flicked his forehead. “Cripes! Crackpot scientists and flying saucers? Now you are in the Twilight Zone!

“Except this isn’t Hollywood, sir,” Cobalt clipped. “I’m sure you’ve seen those Navy fighter pilot videos of ‘unidentified aerial phenomena’ and TV shows about Bigfoot, right?” Trump nodded, cracking a half-smile. “Well, how do UAPs zip off and disappear at warp-six speeds? How do you suppose big hairy critters literally disappear without a trace? Why haven’t Bigfoot skeletons ever been found?”

“I have no idea,” Trump said, eyes rolling.

“They’re both inter-dimensional. They pop in and out of a parallel existence. Sounds absolutely crazy, I know,” the general admitted. “I demanded a demo and watched a test pilot climb into a ‘special vehicle’ over here, and an instant later, it was over there. I never saw the vehicle physically move. Time travel? Hell, I don’t know. Maybe. Then the pilot took his craft into another dimension—literally vanished. A few minutes later, while I was picking my jaw off the tarmac, that same vehicle reappeared—behind me! The pilot climbed out, grinning like the proverbial feline.”

“And humans aren’t harmed, flitting between…dimensions? Hard to even spit that out!” the president barked.

“Not at all. Our big-brain spook scientists explain the process as ‘dissociating a person’s essence in this dimension--our reality--and reassembling it at a different vibration level in another.’

“So…a targeted Davos dude—or dude-ess; gotta be inclusive—merely shifts to another dimension and stays there, until we bring him or her back. Far as their colleagues and family are concerned, the missing individual pulled a ‘John Galt’ and simply dropped out. Disappeared.”

Trump nodded. “Good old John Galt of Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged. That book bred a life-long hatred of socialism among us Baby Boomers!”

“Same here, sir. Last key point:  While in that other dimension, globalist creeps will be treated to glimpses of the future.” Cobalt flipped up both hands, palms out. “Yeah, yeah, more sci-fi. But I’ve talked to test subjects, who’ve proven future-gazing is undeniably feasible.”

“And what do the Davos Demons see in those crystal balls?” Trump shook his head in disbelief. He was starting to wonder about his general.

“Sir, globalist elites will foresee the outcomes of their malevolent, diabolic game-plans—exactly as they would play out here, in our reality. Invariably, their envisioned Utopia is anything but what they’d planned. When we bring Davos Demons back to this side—say a doofus like Soros—they’ll invariably admit to being shocked by what’s in store for them and their arrogant cohorts. Suffice to say, their futures aren’t pretty. Some are horrific. Why? Because, for example, Americans won’t tolerate being starved or frozen to ‘Save the Planet’ from a climate change hoax. They’ll fight back, and those who think they can control the masses will take major hits. That’s their future, and they’ll see it firsthand.”

Trump glanced at his watch, signaling the briefing was over. “General, you’re cleared to launch DEADFALL. Depending on how this election turns out, I suspect we’ll have much more to discuss.” He clapped Cobalt on the shoulder. “Let’s get one thing straight, though. I’m not going away. If we’re to save America, we still have a lot of work ahead of us.”



As the general election approached, a majority of American voters were hurting and increasingly angry. Joe Biden’s cancelling of the Keystone Pipeline project, curtailing oil and gas exploration, and ramming through trillions of dollars in gratuitous spending programs had triggered record-setting, runaway inflation. Costs of food, gasoline, diesel fuel, heating oil, natural gas and day-to-day necessities had climbed to staggering heights. Millions of retirees were stunned to the point of panic, as their investments and nest eggs shrank by 30-50 percent. Bizarre, out-of-control “educators” routinely confused children about their sexual orientation.

The porous southern U.S. border was a daily disaster, as millions of illegal aliens stormed into the country. Almost 20 million invaders from 180 nations had been allowed to flood the United States, many lugging staggering amounts of fentanyl and other dangerous drugs. More than 13,000 of them were known murderers. Americans also were astounded to learn that almost a half-million additional illegals had been flown in aboard secret airliner flights, then dumped in cities and small towns across the nation.

As a result, Democrat-controlled sanctuary states and cities were ravaged by crime, their citizens terrorized by illegal alien gangs, thanks to idiotic defund-the-police policies. Soros-funded, pro-criminal district attorneys made sure violent lawbreakers arrested in the morning were back on the streets that evening. Grab-and-go robberies by hooded gangs from Peru and Venezuela devastated businesses, prompting dozens of large companies to move their headquarters to law-abiding states. Once-beautiful cities—like San Francisco—were becoming ghost towns ruled by lawless gangs.

Despite these nightmares being front-and-center issues for ordinary American citizens, the Biden-Harris Administration—backed by willfully blind sycophants in the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate and leftist corporate media—ignored reality and routinely claimed all was well. But all was not well in America, and voters were expected to vent their outrage by sweeping Democrats and anti-Trump Republican RINOs from office.

Since November 2020, military cyber warriors had been hard at work, sifting through AI data, watching and identifying. As the SYBIL supercomputer had predicted, rightfully worried election officials and poll workers refused to go along with outright fraudulent practices, such as “disappearing” ballots mailed from districts known to vote heavily Republican. Still, during the 2024 primaries, election fraud was prolific, particularly in Arizona, New York and California.

But something else was at work, something that triggered deathly fear among America’s ruling class. Rumors abounded that thousands of immoral, power-hungry senior government “officials” were being afflicted with rapid-onset dementia, forcing them to abandon election-related duties and long-held positions in the Department of Justice, FBI, State Department, Defense Department and other agencies. Medical experts were baffled, but a few openly suggested Covid vaccinations were a contributing or common factor.


Lost in the heated reporting of election news were bewildering reports of Davos regulars literally disappearing en masse. Offices of the WEF, Soros-funded groups linked to the Open Society Foundation and social media tech giants were eerily quiet. The remaining low-level employees wondered aloud why their high-profile leaders had simply vanished, leaving everything from limousines to business jets behind. Within days, leaderless “woke” Fortune 500 companies and government organizations started unraveling. Unpaid, disenchanted employees cleaned out desks, threw ID badges on the floor and left.


In Florida, Donald J. Trump read a steady stream of reports from Cobalt, who was monitoring a crack team of cyber warriors at “an undisclosed location.” Early election results were mildly encouraging. Well-crafted campaigns by domestic and foreign entities to flip or “weight” votes were being routinely thwarted. Hundreds of attempts to employ THUNDER and TOUCHDOWN had been successfully intercepted and their sources neutralized.

Even more satisfying, though, were reports from trusted confidantes around the world. Hundreds of globalist elites were reported as “missing in action.” They’d simply vanished. As had the worst of Washington’s Deep State corruptocrats. Swamp critters were in full-blown panic mode, abandoning offices in droves, lest they, too, merely disappear.

President Trump smiled and thrust a fist skyward. Lady Liberty would survive.

William B. Scott , "A Flag From a Tree"

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