• Shameless Lawfare: Coach Prime Under Attack for Praying with Team

    October 22, 2024
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    Vice President Kamala Harris came under fire over the weekend for telling Christians they were "at the wrong rally" and, while the campaign hastily attempted to clean it up, the anti-religious bigotry of the left is undeniably on display. This is amplified in the Centennial State. Just ask Jack Phillips. And Coach Prime.

    U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Lydia Gordon, Public Domain

    The Washington Times is reporting that the Freedom From Religion Foundation sent a letter to the University of Colorado demanding Coach Prime “cease infusing the football program with Christianity,” citing the appearance of a pastor who delivered a team prayer in the locker room last month after the Baylor game.

    The Plaintiffs in this action are, predictably, openly supporting Democrats in 2024, but claim to nonpartisan. Before we get the predictable response of, "There is no war on Christians!" consider this excerpt from their "Who We Are" page:

    "With the changing judicial and political landscapes and shifts to extreme views on the Establishment Clause, a key component of protecting true religious liberty for all Americans — including the growing number of nonreligious Americans — involves increased advocacy in all branches of government."

    That apparently involves stripping freedom "of" religion from our protected rights and replacing it with the undefinable freedom "from" religion. In reality, that means attacking Christians for practicing their religion, even in nongovernment settings such as a football locker room.

    This is what happens when you stop teaching civics in school. From the Washington Times article:

    "This isn’t the first time that Sanders and the foundation have tangled over public expressions of his Christian faith. Last year, the university’s Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance met with him 'to provide guidance … on the boundaries in which players and coaches may or may not engage in religious expression' following a complaint from the foundation about the coach’s public prayer and worship.

    'Coach Sanders was very receptive to this training and came away from it with a better understanding of the University of Colorado’s policies and the requirements of the Establishment Clause,' said the university in a Jan. 31, 2023, letter to the foundation.

    Said Lawrence: 'It appears that Coach Sanders was not as receptive to the training as the university may have initially thought.'"

    Read the full article here.

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    Ashe Epp

    Ashe Epp is the Editor of the Colorado Free Press, a CDM contributor, and local writer and liberty advocate. Find all of Ashe's work at linktr.ee/asheinamerica.
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