• TABOR Victory for Lower South Platte Taxpayers

    October 16, 2024
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    Taxpayers saw a victory earlier this month, and TABOR was upheld, when the Colorado Supreme Court declined to review a taxpayer victory in Colorado’s Lower South Platte Water Conservancy. 

    “The District doubled its property tax in 2019 without holding a public approval vote as required by Colorado’s Constitution,” according to a press release from the National Taxpayers Union Foundation (NTUF), a nonprofit focused on policymaking around taxation.

    “TABOR means what it says, and so a local government cannot double the property tax rate without a vote of the people,” NTUF Senior Attorney Tyler Martinez said in the press release. “We’re glad the Colorado Supreme Court declined to review this case further and left in place the unanimous decision by the Court of Appeals.”

    Hold the line on this out of control state government.

    Read the press release here.

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