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The 75th General Assembly is underway, and the 2025 legislative session began with disarmament. Again.
Ian Escalante, Executive Director of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners (RMGO) was at the Capitol building Wednesday, and confirmed that another “assault weapons ban” bill was being introduced on the session’s opening day.
The bill represents the third attempt in a row that Colorado legislators have attempted to disarm Colorado residents. While they have succeeded with punitive infringements over the years, prior AWB efforts have failed—with the hearings and votes garnering more public turnout than any other issue.
Despite public opposition, they still keep trying.
If a legislator swears an oath to protect and defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and then that legislator immediately begins attacking the constitution’s foundational protections of individual liberty, certainly that legislator is a domestic enemy.
The right to self defense is inalienable. Every gun law is an infringement. The people’s voice is now more important than ever. Shall not be infringed.
Stay tuned to Colorado Free Press for updates on the 2025 legislative session of the 75th General Assembly, and make a plan to show up and be heard during this session.
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