To Understand Obama, You MUST Understand South Africa’s Communist Revolution

October 24, 2023
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Behind the Biden “presidency,” Barack Obama looms large. But thanks to relentless media deception and propaganda, most Americans know very little about the real Obama. To truly understand him, it is essential to understand the roots of his political activism. It all begins with South Africa’s Communist revolution.

In addition to launching his political career in the home of a Castro-backed communist terrorist (Bill Ayers), Barack Obama was inspired by a different Castro-backed communist terrorist decades earlier to get into politics in the first place. If that sounds absurd, it is only because the establishment media that helped bring Obama to power has been so effective at misleading Americans and humanity as a whole.

During an official 2013 trip to the African nation of Senegal, then-President Obama revealed that his “first act of political activism” was speaking at a 1980 anti-apartheid rally while a student at Occidental College.[i] “I was inspired by what was taking place in South Africa,” he recounted more than three decades after the event that gave him his first taste of the political spotlight. The same general story was told in Obama’s forward to South African revolutionary Nelson Mandela’s 2011 book Conversations With Myself.

Unsurprisingly, Obama did not mention the barbaric terrorism and the widespread slaughter of men, women and children — black, white, and colored — being perpetrated across South Africa by the Soviet-backed revolutionaries he was supporting in college[ii]. Thousands of innocent victims, though, were being murdered and tortured during that time by the African National Congress (ANC) and its terrorist wing known as uMkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation or MK), led by Mandela even after he was officially jailed in 1962 on a variety of very serious charges.    

Nor did Obama mention those crucial details about what was really happening in South Africa in 1980, when he was just a 19-year-old, pot-smoking, radical left-wing college student with a foreign background who had long been mentored by actual communists such as Frank Marshall Davis. “There’s a struggle going on,” Obama explained to fellow students in his first-ever political speech. “It is happening an ocean away, but it is a struggle that touches each and every one of us.” Ironically, Obama was more correct than probably even he understood at that time. 

It is clear today that Mandela played a key role in inspiring Obama to become active in politics. “To so many of us, he was more than just a man – he was a symbol of the struggle for justice, equality, and dignity in South Africa and around the globe,” Obama explained in the forward to Mandela’s book.[iii] “His sacrifice was so great that it called upon people everywhere to do what they could on behalf of human progress. In the most modest of ways, I was one of those people who tried to answer his call.”

In the Forward, which is very revealing, Obama again mentions that the first time he became politically active was during his college years when he joined the divestment campaign against South Africa to bring down the pro-America, pro-West, anti-communist government there. Mandela’s example, Obama said, “helped awaken me to the wider world, and the obligation that we all have to stand up for what is right.” Over the years, Obama continued to watch Mandela and be inspired by him, even meeting the South African revolutionary before being elected to the presidency and speaking with him occasionally by phone from the White House.[iv]

In response to Mandela’s death, Obama also made clear how important Mandela was to his own journey[v]. “I am one of the countless millions who drew inspirations from Nelson Mandela’s life,” Obama said, again reiterating that his very first political act was protest against South African authorities. “I studied his words and his writings… I cannot fully imagine my own life without the example that Nelson Mandela set, and so long as I live, I will do what I can to learn from him.” Obama even ordered American flags flown at half mast after Mandela’s death, an honor normally reserved for American heroes.

In his eulogy for Mandela in South Africa, Obama even compared Mandela to Abraham Lincoln and America’s founding fathers, calling Mandela “the last great liberator of the 20th century.”[vi] Of course, Obama left out many important details, and even blatantly misrepresented the facts in multiple instances. For example, Obama claimed Mandela was “tutored by elders of his Thembu tribe,” instead of pointing out the fact that Mandela was actually educated in a Methodist mission school by the very European Christians he would later turn against.

Between the deception, though, Obama again made clear how important Mandela was in his own life, painting him as a quasi-messiah. “With honesty, regardless of our station or circumstance, we must ask:  how well have I applied [Mandela’s] lessons in my own life?” Obama asked, a slight variation on the “What Would Jesus Do” (WWJD) used by Christians. “It is a question I ask myself – as a man and as a President.” And yet again, the U.S. president emphasized how Mandela’s struggle first inspired him to get active and even “set me on an improbable journey that finds me here today.”

The real Nelson Mandela: Communist Terrorist, Literally

Clearly, Obama was inspired by Mandela. Indeed, decades after first getting involved in politics via the anti-apartheid movement, a deeply radicalized Obama had moved beyond speeches and “community organizing” in Chicago into the realm of real politics. And probably not coincidentally, Obama went on to launch his career in the home of communist terrorist Bill Ayers — a terrorist who, like Mandela himself, had the fervent support of mass-murdering Communist dictator Fidel Castro throughout his reign of terror. 

So who was the real Mandela that so inspired Obama and set him on his political journey? Despite the sanitized portrayal of “Saint” Mandela by Obama and most of the world media, the reality is in fact far more sinister. Mandela was, in short, the very definition of a communist terrorist, in every sense of the term. If the reader finds that factual assertion shocking, it is only because the facts have been carefully concealed from the public, as this chapter will document, by the very same forces that put both Mandela and Obama in office. A senior Obama administration official played a key role in sanitizing the image of Mandela by removing passages from his book in which Mandela openly expressed his support for communism and terrorism, even if if meant going against the will of the majority he claimed to serve.

First, it is an undeniable fact that, despite his own denials over a period of decades, Mandela was not just a member of the Communist Party, but a member of its decision-making Central Committee. “At his arrest in August 1962, Nelson Mandela was not only a member of the then underground South African Communist Party, but was also a member of our Party’s Central Committee,” the SACP said in a statement published by assorted Marxist and Communist outfits worldwide, calling him “one of the greatest revolutionaries of the 20th century,” an “internationalist,” a “gallant fighter,” and more.[vii]  “After his release from prison in 1990, Comrade Madiba [Mandela’s tribal name] became a great and close friend of the communists till his last days.”

The South African Communist Party statement went on to boast about its own crucial role in supposedly “liberating” the nation. “To us as South African communists, Comrade Mandela shall forever symbolise [sic] the monumental contribution of the SACP in our liberation struggle,” the SACP said. “The contribution of communists in the struggle to achieve the South African freedom has very few parallels in the history of our country.” In media reports, SACP officials cited “political reasons” to explain why they waited until his death to reveal the truth. ‘

The ANC also confirmed Mandela’s leadership in the Communist Party. “Madiba was also a member of the South African Communist Party, where he served in the Central Committee,” the ANC statement released after Mandela’s death admitted.[viii] Nonetheless, Obama continued showering praise on Mandela even after the SACP and the ANC both officially exposed the South African revolutionary as a longtime member of the Communist Party’s Politburo — and by extension, a liar who deliberately misled the millions of people in South Africa and around the world who naively supported him and trusted him. 

But even before the truth was officially announced by the ANC and the SACP, it should have been obvious to anyone, including Obama, that Mandela was a communist. Much other evidence, including minutes from Party meetings highlighted by historians, emerged proving Mandela’s leadership role in the Communist Party even before his death.[ix] And for decades before that, it was obvious, too. From his praise for Soviet-backed dictators like Castro and Libya’s late Moammar Gadhafi, to the support lavished on his “revolution” by communist tyrants everywhere, to his being awarded the “Lenin Peace Prize” by the mass-murdering Soviet Union, the signs were everywhere.

In fact, even back in the 1960s, it was hard to ignore the evidence. Consider, for example, an essay in Mandela’s own handwriting that was presented as evidence at his trial. In the document, titled “How to be a Good Communist,” Mandela, who was then serving as the leader of the ANC’s terror wing MK, wrote that “South Africa will be a land of milk and honey under a Communist government.” “We communist party members are the most advanced revolutionaries in modern history,” Mandela argued in the essay, which he claimed was merely him taking notes. “The people of South Africa, led by the South African Communist Party, will destroy capitalist society and build in its place socialism.” Members of the SACP, the ANC, and the MK even testified that Mandela was involved in the SACP during the Rivonia trial that put Mandela behind bars.

Ironically, the South African Communist Party, reportedly the first communist party to be formed anywhere in the world outside the Soviet Union, was originally organized under the slogan “whites of South Africa unite to keep South Africa white.”[x] It was controlled completely from Moscow from the time of its founding. It endorsed blatantly anti-black racist policies and the idea of a “native republic” for blacks in South Africa, an idea that it would later rail against when the Soviet strategy for enslaving the region changed. Blacks who joined the party were generally sidelined and held subordinate roles at best. [xi]

But as the forces of international communism realized that anti-black racism was a losing proposition in Southern Africa, where the majority was black, they switched tactics and began taking over the then-peaceful ANC. Mandela was key to the operation. The goal was to hijack it to help takeover South Africa by manipulating well-meaning people and exploiting legitimate grievances. And again, the record of SACP control over the ANC was completely clear long before the ANC’s orchestrated rise to power took place.

Former SACP Central Committee member Bartholomew Hlapane, who also served on the National Executive Committee of the ANC, testified about these facts in 1982 before the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Security and Terrorism.[xii] “No major decision could be taken by the ANC without the concurrence and approval of the Central Committee of the South African Communist Party,” explained Hlapane, adding that “the Communist party had in fact captured the leadership of the African National Congress.” Most major developments in the ANC, he added, were “initiated by” the SACP leadership, which provided the funds for ANC military operations and funneled Soviet weapons to the group. Hlapane and his wife were gunned down the following year.

Today, the SACP continues to misrule South Africa as a partner of the ANC and COSATU, an SACP-dominated umbrella group for unions, in what is formally known as the ruling “Tripartite Alliance.”    

Mandela and Terrorism

In addition to being a communist, there is no question that Mandela also engaged in and approved terrorist acts, making him, by definition, a terrorist. In fact, he admitted to his role in founding the terrorist group MK that was bombing and murdering civilians across South Africa and continued to do so into the 1980s. “I admit immediately that I was one of the persons who helped to form Umkhonto we Sizwe [MK], and that I played a prominent role in its affairs until I was arrested in August 1962,” he declared in 1964 at his Rivonia trial.[xiii] In his autobiography, Mandela also admitted to creating the MK.

The organization began its brutal bombing campaign in cities across South Africa on December 16, 1961, a day chosen for the significance it held for Afrikaners. (On that day, in 1838, a band of a few hundred Afrikaners prayed that God would deliver them from a massive Zulu army made up of tens of thousands of well-trained soldiers. Thousands of Zulu troops died in the battle, with the tiny Afrikaner force suffering a few minor injuries. Known as the Battle of Blood River, it  took place after Zulu King Dingane had brutally betrayed the Afriakners, murdering some of their leaders in horrible fashion after they recovered his cows stolen by other Africans in exchange for some land.) So, by admitting his role in the terrorist MK, he was essentially admitting to his terrorism — in public, on the record. 

Mandela’s terrorism was hardly a secret, except perhaps to the American people relying on the liberal press. U.S. authorities certainly knew: Mandela and his ANC were on the U.S. State Department’s official terror list up until 2008, when then-President George W. Bush’s administration finally removed them after years of pro-Mandela propaganda.[xiv] The reason they were on the list to begin with is, of course, that they were terrorists. Even after his release, Mandela continued singing genocidal songs glorifying terrorism and the mass murder of whites,[xv] though most of the ANC’s victims were black. 

Among the many acts of terrorism perpetrated by the ANC and its Mandela-led terror wing was the infamous Church Street bombing on May 20, 1983.[xvi] In the MK attack, widely reported to have been personally approved by Mandela, a car bomb was set off at rush hour in Pretoria outside the Nedbank Square Building, which was used by a large bank and the Dutch Embassy in South Africa. The attack resulted in 19 being killed and 217 wounded, including many women and blacks. The ANC admitted to the bombing, but Mandela was never forced to testify about his role before the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

In addition to the Church Street bombing, the ANC perpetrated hundreds of other attacks. One of the most deadly tactics was to put landmines on farm roads, indiscriminately murdering women, children, and black farm workers. Murdering farmers and their families with anti-personnel mines was official ANC policy, as admitted publicly even by ANC figures.[xvii] The ANC also bombed shopping centers, bars, courts, restaurants, video arcades, police stations, banks, stadiums, and more, deliberately slaughtering innocent civilians.

By Obama’s own definition, that makes the ANC a terrorist group, and its leadership, terrorists. “Any time bombs are used to target civilians it is an act of terror,” Obama told reporters at the White House after the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing perpetrated by Islamists.[xviii] And yet, just months later, Obama would be in South Africa eulogizing a man responsible for bombing civilians in massive numbers, even comparing the terrorist to America’s founders.        

It was obvious Mandela and his ANC were involved in terrorism from the start. When the ANC-SACP leaders were arrested at their secret hideout on a Rivonia farm outside Johannesburg, police discovered more than 200,000 grenades, almost 50,000 anti-personnel mines, a ton of black powder, 144 tons of ammonium nitrate for making explosives, 1,500 bomb timers, over 20 tons of aluminum powder, and more, according to evidence presented at the trial. [xix]

Far from being a political prisoner, as portrayed by the Western and Communist world media, Mandela was charged and convicted on extremely serious, violent offenses: two counts of sabotage, recruiting bomb makers and trainers “for the purpose of committing acts of violence and destruction,” more than 150 acts of terrorism, assisting foreign military units in waging war against South Africa, acts of participation in a violent revolution, and more.[xx]

As would have occurred in any normal nation, the violent revolutionists and terrorists were sentenced to life in prison — fortunate to have not been hanged, as many governments would treat terrorists. But with world pressure growing on South Africa, authorities made him very comfortable, putting him under “house arrest” for much of his time in prison in a nice home with access to everything he needed — TV, radio, newspapers, communications, a swimming pool, access to any visitors, and more — to continue directing the revolution.[xxi] In fact, authorities made regular offers to release Mandela if he would simply renounce violence. He refused.[xxii]  

Beyond just terrorism and bombings, Mandela and his wife endorsed or even engaged in horrifying acts of unimaginable brutality. Mandela even endorsed “cutting off the noses” of political opponents of the ANC in handwritten documents presented at his trial.[xxiii] And Mandela’s wife Winnie Mandela was a proud proponent of “necklacing,” in which a tire filled with gasoline is put on a victim’s neck before being set ablaze. It is a horrifying and agonizing death. “With our boxes of matches and our necklaces, we shall liberate this country!” Mandela’s wife, dubbed the “mother” of the nation, was caught declaring on video.[xxiv]

The Mandelas were brutal indeed. Mrs. Mandela was later convicted by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in, among other crimes, the brutal kidnapping, torture, and murder of 14-year-old  Stompie Moeketsi, and many other innocent victims.[xxv] Moeketsi was kidnapped along with three other children in an ANC plot to destroy a white minister by making the kids lie about him. The overwhelming majority of the ANC’s victims were blacks who opposed or were suspected of opposing the communist revolution.[xxvi] Blacks who worked in government or law enforcement were under constant threat.

Despite her convictions, Winnie remains on the ANC National Executive Committee. But that is not surprising. Even ANC loyalists were savagely tortured and murdered by their own ANC comrades for everything from disagreeing with some Marxist dogma or orders to murder women and children, to facing accusations of spying or defection. Among the most horrifying ANC torture camps was “Quatro” in Angola, described in official reports as a detainment facility for suspected enemies and dissidents.

“The attitude of the camp guards, commanders and medical assistants seemed to be universally hostile to the inmates,” reads a report from a 1992 independent investigation into the ANC camp by the Skweyiya Commission.[xxvii] “The inmates, whether convicted of any offense or not, were denigrated, humiliated and abused, often with staggering brutality. The violence inflicted on the prisoners usually had nothing whatsoever to do with any disciplinary transgression. It was violence for the sake of violence.”

Among the abuses and torture techniques employed by the ANC at the camp, the investigation found, were forcing prisoners to crawl through piles of red ants, denial of food, water, and medicine, the pouring of boiling water on the head, beatings to extract forced confessions, execution by firing squad, fatal beatings with sticks and wires, and much more. One of the ANC figures cited by name in the Skweyiya Commission report was Jacob Zuma, the current president of South Africa and a well-documented member of the Communist Party who today sings the same genocidal songs as Mandela did during his life.

A criminal mind?

The sanitized version of Mandela suggests that he and his comrades only became violent after the Sharpeville massacre, in which a group of police, surrounded by an angry, rock-throwing mob, killed several dozen protesters. But primary source documents, including Mandela’s own writings in his original manuscript for his autobiography Long Walk to Freedom,[xxviii] expose this as false. Indeed, in the document, Mandela revealed his support for violence, communism, and terrorism, stretching back to at least the early 1950s. He also boasted of his contempt for “democracy” and the will of the majority if it interfered with his agenda, calling for the use of “force” to advance the “struggle,” even if most South Africans disagreed with it. 

He was blatantly pro-communist, too. “Unquestionably, my sympathies lay with Cuba [in the Cuban missile crisis],” Mandela wrote in his original, expressing fervent support for one of the most ruthless mass-murdering communist autocracies to ever plague humanity. “The ability of a small state to defend its independence demonstrates in no uncertain terms the superiority of socialism over capitalism.” Mandela also claimed the U.S. brand of “imperialism” was “the most loathsome and contemptible.” By contrast, Fidel Castro and his murderous revolution “had made a favorable and lasting impact throughout the world.”

In the unsanitized version of his memoirs, Mandela explained that he sent a “comrade” to seek weapons and support for the then-officially “non-violent” ANC from the mass-murdering communist regime in Beijing. ANC cadres even met personally with Mao Zedong, who holds the dubious honor of being history’s most prolific mass murderer. Other support for the ANC came from the communist and socialist regimes Cuba, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, and others, much of it funneled through Soviet puppet states in Africa. The Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) and numerous other revolutionary groups were also involved.  

The unpublished version of Mandela’s autobiography also undermines a key claim that continues to be used to this day to justify the campaign of terrorism unleashed by the Soviet-backed ANC — the idea that the government was brutally persecuting political opponents. “To the best of my knowledge and belief no individuals were then isolated, forced to give information, beaten up, tortured, crippled and killed,” Mandela acknowledged about the period prior to 1963, long after he and his comrades were arrested for violent revolutionary activities and terrorist bombings. Tens of thousands of innocent civilians, mostly blacks, were killed in the ANC-SACP terrorist onslaught, according to the TRC.

To advance his totalitarian vision of a communist society, the real Mandela was more than willing to use violence, and he admitted it in his original, unpublished book. The revolutionary wrote, for example, that he felt “ever more strongly” that white South Africans needed to face another “Isandhlwana,” a reference to an 1879 battle in which Zulu warriors slaughtered over 1,300 British troops. In stark contrast to the myth of Mandela as peaceful, his writings glorify violence and bloodshed with ghoulish glee, writing that one day soon, “the sweet air will smell of gunfire, elegant buildings will crash down and streets will be splashed with blood.”

Mandela also openly endorsed violence against the enemies of his revolution. “If force will advance [the struggle], then it must be used whether or not the majority agrees with us,” Mandela wrote in the original, a notion that analysts compared with Stalinism. Not using violence to advance the struggle was dismissed as “lofty principles” that would cripple the revolutionists. By comparison, in the sanitized version, Mandela claims to believe that violence and force are only appropriate when a “minority” is standing in the way to “frustrate the will of the majority.”

The man who cleaned up Mandela’s violent ramblings and his brazen support for communist terrorism was “journalist” Rick Stengel, who in addition to serving as Mandela’s ghostwriter was, at the time, working for the notoriously leftist Time magazine in the United States. Eventually, Stengel went to work for Obama as  undersecretary for public diplomacy. Birds of a feather do, indeed, flock together. Stengel refused to comment on the new revelations that emerged when the original Mandela manuscript was released, despite playing a key role in misleading the world by legitimizing a communist terrorist organization. The world media, which was so important in lionizing the mythical version of Mandela, said practically nothing about the revelations, either. 

A very brief history of South Africa

South Africa was once a thriving, Western, Christian country with an advanced industrial economy, nuclear power, high living standards, and more. It all began when the Dutch arrived at what would later become Cape Town in 1652. When they arrived, the region was virtually uninhabited, except by small bands of non-black nomadic people known as the Khoi and the San, many of whom were wiped out, along with many Europeans, in an epidemic. The (non-British) whites, known today as Afrikaners, did not meet black Africans until more than a century later, deep in the interior, as various black tribes migrated southward into Northwest South Africa and descendants of Europeans moved north.    

Despite occasional conflicts with black nations and tribes, in addition to much cooperation, the Afrikaners thrived. The world’s first heart transplant was performed by an Afrikaner doctor at a South African hospital. The Afrikaners had a prosperous First World economy comparable with Europe or the United States. And aside from some oppressive race-based laws that were in the process of being dismantled, South African authorities had a better human-rights record than probably any government on the African continent at that time. In fact, under apartheid, which translates to “separate development,” illegal immigrants from across the African continent were literally flooding into South Africa by the millions to get a piece of the pie amid the emergence of a thriving black middle class.[xxix]   

There were, of course, many unsavory and oppressive elements to apartheid. But the conventional view of the regime is as misleading as the mythology surrounding Mandela. The general idea was similar in some ways to what Christian European settlers in America did. Rather than right away forming a “democracy” and submitting to the rule of native pagan nations and tribes — many of which, both in the Americas and in Africa, had been practicing genocide, mass murder, cannibalism, child sacrifice, and ancestor worship long before Europeans arrived — the Europeans who settled in South Africa wanted to control their own destiny. And so, building on policies first implemented in Southern Africa by British imperialists, South African whites decided on “separate development.”

Under the policy, the various “bantu” African nations and tribes were to be granted independent, self-governing homelands in the areas where they traditionally lived. The policy was motivated in part by a desire to have Southern Africa look like Europe, where the borders of nation-states roughly followed ethnic lines — France for Frenchmen, Germany for ethnic Germans, Sweden for ethnic Swedes, and so on. Especially in light of the enormous religious and cultural chasm separating European-descent South Africans from the largely un-Westernized, un-Christian bantu peoples, it was felt by South Africa’s white leaders that peaceful but separate co-existence was better than a “multicultural democracy.”

Some African peoples in Southern Africa continue to live in their own, independent nation-states to this day, such as Swaziland, Lesotho, and Botswana. Despite the picture painted by the establishment media, there was a great deal of support among Africans for the idea, too. The powerful Zulu nation, for example, under the leadership of Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi and the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP), fought long and hard, alongside South African whites and other blacks, to maintain its own independent homeland known as KwaZulu. For that, Zulus were viciously attacked, tortured, and slaughtered by the SACP-controlled ANC, and ignored by much of the Western press.

Of course, there were problems under apartheid, and there were a number of oppressive, race-based laws, including bans on interracial marriage and a requirement that blacks carry a “pass book” when traveling outside their homeland. But despite those policies, most of which were in the process of being dismantled long before the ANC came to power, South Africa was an oasis of prosperity and liberty, relatively speaking. All around it was a continent that was drenched in blood from constant war, tyranny, genocide, and other horrors after the hasty, poorly thought out withdrawal of colonial powers amid Soviet expansionism. Millions of black Africans flooded into Apartheid South Africa for jobs, peace, security, and prosperity.

Plus, there were countless possibilities for rectifying real injustices in South Africa that did not involve handing power to the communist-controlled terrorist movement known as the ANC. But for the Soviet Union, the United Nations, and the Western establishment — very much including powerful figures such as David Rockefeller and organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations[xxx] — only “democracy” with the ANC and the SACP in charge was acceptable. And so, whites were convinced to surrender power to the revolutionists in a 1992 election, culminating in the presidency being awarded to a communist terrorist by 1994.       

Mandela’s legacy:

That some things are better today than under apartheid is certainly true, even though a 2002 poll taken more than a decade after the fall of that system showed that 60 percent of South Africans thought the nation was better managed under the former regime.[xxxi] But today, South Africa is on the verge of completely imploding into an orgy or violence, war, destruction, and despair. Between Mandela’s rise to power in 1994 and 2016, close to half of a million South Africans have been murdered, according to findings in the 2017 South Africa Survey released by the Institute of Race Relations.[xxxii] And that is just the start of the problems.

Indeed, South Africa today is close to the top when it comes to the number of rapes and murders. South African-born Ilana Mercer, author of Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa, noted that Mandela’s presidency led to a society where “more people are murdered in one week under African rule than died under the detention of the Afrikaner government over the course of roughly four decades.” Murder rates are in the neighborhood of 1,000% higher than in the United States, despite strict gun control, and that is assuming official statistics can be believed. More than a one in four women in South Africa report having been raped, with more than a third of men admitting to raping a woman.[xxxiii] 

Unemployment estimates suggest between a fourth and half of South Africans are unemployed. The real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of South Africa has risen by over 30 percent since the fall of apartheid — but when compared to the emerging-markets average of 115 percent during that time, South Africa’s economic development has undoubtedly been retarded. The number of people living on less than a dollar or two per day has soared since 1994, estimates suggest.[xxxiv] And ironically, especially considering the communist marketing slogans, South Africa today has one of the most unequal wealth distributions in the world.

According to the UN’s Human Development Index, South Africa is now in the bottom third of countries, down from higher than average pre-1994.[xxxv] And people are dying much younger. In the thirty years between 1960 and 1990, average life expectancy in South Africa rose from 51 to 61, and the gap between whites and blacks was narrowing. By 1994, the last year before Mandela came to power, life expectancy was about 64. By 2009, it had plummeted back to 54, according to The Lancet. Today, the UN puts it closer to 53.[xxxvi]

It is going to get worse. After winning the Parliamentary elections in 2014, the ANC-SACP regime announced that it would be pursuing what it calls the “radical second phase” of the ongoing revolution. [xxxvii] Among other elements, the SACP announced in a statement that the plot involves confiscating private property and businesses as part of “the strategic transformation of the ownership and control function of key commanding heights of the economy.” In other words, the true face of the communists is now being exposed.

Geopolitically, the South African regime has firmly aligned itself with the communist and totalitarian world against the West and freedom. In a stunning policy document released in 2015, the ANC’s General Council praised the “exemplary role of the collective leadership of the Communist Party of China,” saying the brutal dictatorship should be a “guiding lodestar of our own struggle.” [xxxviii] It also praised Russian strongman Vladimir Putin and celebrated the emergence of a “post-Western” so-called “new world order” that will be “multi-polar.” The United States, by contrast, is presented as some sort of demon allegedly working to foment “counter-revolution” via “Western imperialism,” claiming, without a hint of irony, that the U.S. government is behind “the scourge of terrorism.”

The ANC-SACP regime is also a proud member of the “BRICS” alliance bringing together the socialist and communist governments of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Meeting in Durban, South Africa, in 2013, the anti-Western alliance outlined its vision for a totalitarian world order in which they would control the architecture of “global governance.” [xxxix] From pushing a global currency to dethrone the U.S. dollar, to seeking a newly empowered UN with the authority to re-distribute Western wealth to their regimes, the agenda outlined in the BRICS “eThekwini Declaration” adopted at that summit was clear.    

South Africa’s rulers are also members of the Socialist International, even hosting its Congress in 2012 amid a genocide alert implicating the ANC in planning and preparations to slaughter the white minority. More on that threat in a moment. Following its meetings in South Africa, which brought oftentimes murderous and brutal socialist and communist parties from around the world together, the SI made its agenda clear, too. Their declaration called for, among other schemes, “a new internationalism, proposing the creation of a new global set of agreements, the restructuring of the WTO to recycle trading profits from severe wage differentials toward authentic global income security, and a new IMF and global currency regime built on the multilateral synthetic ‘bancor’ system conceived by Keynes himself.”[xl]

For many white South Africans, Mandela’s legacy is now literally a threat not just to their freedom and their economic well-being, but to their lives. The situation for whites is especially dire. Consider that President Zuma celebrated the ANC’s centenary anniversary in 2012 by going on national TV and singing a genocidal song advocating the slaughter of the white Boers in front of his military.[xli] “Power for us,” Zuma sang, as a fake sign-language interpreter, later implicated in atrocities, meaninglessly gesticulated next to him. “We are going to shoot them with the machine gun, they are going to run. You are a Boer, shoot the Boer.” The cabinet is also going to shoot the Boers with the machine gun, Zuma added in his song while his frenzied troops danced and sang before him.

The warning signs for genocide are flashing bright. Dr. Gregory Stanton, the head of Genocide Watch and a man who personally fought against the apartheid system, warned after a 2012 fact-finding mission that South Africa was at stage 6 out of 8 on the road to genocide: the planning and preparation phase. Stage 7 was the extermination phase, with Stage 8 being denial after the fact.[xlii] “There is thus strong circumstantial evidence of government support for the campaign of forced displacement and atrocities against white farmers and their families,” said Stanton. “There is direct evidence of government incitement to genocide.”

The genocide scale was later changed to 10 stages, and South Africa was dropped down one to stage 6, after some actions were taken against a genocidal ANC Youth leader, Julius Malema. But the situation has deteriorated significantly since then. Indeed, it has gotten so bad that former South African President F.W. De Klerk, who shared the Nobel Peace Prize with Mandela for dismantling what remained of the apartheid system, warned that whites would be completely eliminated from South Africa if the situation did not improve.[xliii] 

“President Zuma is determined to accelerate our descent along the road to state capture, economic crisis and racial confrontation,” he said at a conference in early 2017, adding that the current rulers were contributing to the nation “stumbling aimlessly down the road to societal collapse.” The ruling ANC establishment is being “openly hostile” to white people based “on negative racial stereotypes,” he noted, saying it was creating a “negative racial climate” aimed at “taking away the legitimate economic and cultural interests of [white] citizens, based purely on their race.” If current trends and government racism continue, it will “lead to the disappearance of the white minority in South Africa within the next 50 to 60 years,” warned De Klerk, whose own former First Lady was murdered by a black security guard in Cape Town.

The escalating murders of white farmers and their families are horrific far beyond what words can convey. Thousands have been slaughtered since 1994, many after being brutally tortured. Babies are raped with broken bottles. Women are burned with blowtorches and drilled full of holes with electric drills. Children are forced to drink boiling water or chemicals. Others are dragged for miles behind cars. Sometimes, Bibles are left on the victims’ mutilated bodies as a hateful warning. And there is growing evidence that the attacks are being organized and orchestrated by powerful communist forces linked to the government. [xliv]

And far from showing any concern about the atrocities — white farmers have the highest death rate in the world, far higher than U.S. troops in war zones — ANC leaders appear to be enjoying it even as they threaten to start stealing land without compensation. During a discussion about the farm murders in Parliament on March 14, 2017, for example, Deputy Minister of Higher Education Mduduzi Manana, a member of the ruling ANC, shouted: “Bury them alive.” Leading political figures refer to slaughtering the white minority as if it were some sort of game. [xlv]

Beyond the murders, whites have been systematically excluded from the economy under racist laws, resulting in hundreds of thousands of whites living in squatter camps, according to aid workers interviewed by this writer. Estimates cited in news reports suggest as much as 10 percent of the white population is now living in squatter camps, with one analyst classing it an “economic genocide.” [xlvi]

Other estimates suggest at least one fourth of whites have already fled South Africa.[xlvii] Most of the rest probably would, if they could, but Europe and the United States have not opened their doors, and many whites are now too poor to get a meal or running water, much less buy a plane ticket. And the situation is likely to continue deteriorating, with more than a few experts predicting that the Afrikaner will not survive as a people unless current trends change.

That is Mandela’s legacy. That is the legacy that Obama admits he longs for.


South Africa is sometimes referred to as the Second America. [xlviii] Americans and the Afrikaners have more in common than any other peoples in the world, including having fought wars against the British empire for freedom and self-government. And now, after Obama’s eight-year reign, the parallels continue to develop. While the fruit of Obama’s attempted revolution in America will continue to be felt under the surface for generations, despite the victory of Donald Trump, the bitter fruit of the communist revolution in South Africa is now becoming impossible to ignore. The similarities are myriad and eerie.  

It is clear from Obama’s words and actions that he was a disciple of Mandela, and even some of the tactics he used. Encouraging Black Lives Matters terrorists and radical Latin American groups to hate and agitate against whites and the police, for example, was not coincidental. Obviously, communist strategy is different depending on the nation and population being targeted for enslavement. And so, overthrowing the American system of constitutional republican self-government would proceed differently than overthrowing South Africa’s political regime. But again, there are plenty of similarities, and the real agenda is now clear to see.

South Africa is basically the canary in the coal mine for America and the whole Western world. It offers a grim preview of what Americans and European can expect if the forces represented by Obama succeed in continuing their policies — open borders, multiculturalism, central planning, Big Government, racial hatred, lawless government, ignoring the Constitution, class warfare, anti-Christian bigotry, and so on. If nothing else, South Africa and Mandela should serve as powerful motivators for Americans to take their country back — and to do it quickly, before it is too late. 

South Africa also offers a powerful warning on the dangers of the globalism Obama and the establishment pushed so fervently, and on the dangers of surrendering the right self-government by handing power to international institutions packed with foreign governments and tyrants. When they governed themselves, the Afrikaners were prosperous and mostly free. Today, under the rule of a non-Western majority guided by communists and a totally alien culture, the Afrikaners face tyranny, economic devastation, and potentially even literal extermination. Americans should ensure that Obama’s legacy is undone before it becomes any more like Mandela’s legacy. The survival of America and her freedoms depend on it.

Published with permission by Alex Newman at

  • [i]     Obama inspired by anti-apartheid campaign by David Jackson, USA Today, Dec. 6, 2013
  • [ii]    Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa Report, Volume 1, October 29, 1998
  • [iii]  Forward by President Barack Obama, Conversations with Myself by Nelson Mandela, September 27, 2011
  • [iv]   Ibid.
  • [v]    Statement by the President on the Death of Nelson Mandela by President Barack Obama, Dec. 5, 2013
  • [vi]   Remarks of President Barack Obama – As Prepared for Delivery by Barack Obama, Dec. 10, 2013
  • [vii] Statement of the South African Communist Party on Nelson Mandela, Dec. 6, 2013
  • [viii] The ANC’s statement on the passing of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela by AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS, Secretary General’s Office, Dec. 6, 2013
  • [ix]   New Evidence Shows Mandela Was Senior Communist Party Member by Alex Newman, The New American, Dec. 13, 2012
  • [x]    Atrocities of the Marxist ANC by Anthony Lobaido,, 07/03/2000
  • [xi]   The Communist Party in South Africa, Racism, Eurocentricity, and Moscow, 1921-1950, by Mia Roth, 2016.
  • [xii] The Media and the Mess in Africa by Reed Irvine, AIM REPORT, Sept. 1985
  • [xiii] Nelson Mandela`s statement from the dock at the opening of the defence case in the Rivonia Trial by Nelson Mandela, April 20, 1964
  • [xiv] Mandela taken off US terror list by BBC, July 1, 2008
  • [xv]  Nelson Mandela sings about killing whites:
  • [xvi] Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa Report, Volume 1, October 29, 1998
  • [xvii]        Tainted Heroes by Director Elrich Yssel and AfriForum, January 18, 2016
  • [xviii]       Obama: ‘Any Time Bombs Are Used to Target Civilians It Is an Act of Terror’ by Fred Lucas,, April 16, 2013
  • [xix] RIVONIA TRIAL, MANDELA, Nelson and others 1963-1964; Historical Papers Research Archive, University of the Witatersrand
  • [xx]  Rivonia Trial 1963 -1964 by South African History Online, March 30, 2011
  • [xxi] Mandela death: How he survived 27 years in prison by Mike Wolldridge, BBC News, Dec. 11, 2013
  • [xxii]        President P W Botha offers Nelson Mandela conditional release from prison, South African History Online, Mar. 16, 2011
  • [xxiii]         Nelson Mandela: Flawed Saint by Richard Pallardy, Encyclopedia Britannica blog, May 10, 2011
  • [xxiv]       Who is Winnie Mandela?
  • [xxv]        Winnie Mandela’s Ex-Bodyguard Tells of Killings She Ordered by Suzanne Daley, New York Times, Dec. 4 1997
  • [xxvi]       Tainted Heroes by Director Elrich Yssel and AfriForum, January 18, 2016
  • [xxvii]      A State of Exile: The ANC and Umkhonto we Sizwe in Angola, 1976-1989 by Maren Saeboe, Dec. 2002
  • [xxviii]     Unpublished version, Long Walk to Freedom, by Nelson Mandela –
  • [xxix]       AmaBhulu – The Birth and Death of the Second America by Harry Booyens, Feb. 25, 2014
  • [xxx]        South African Communists’ Friends in High Places by Alex Newman, The New American, Nov. 5, 2012
  • [xxxi]       Mandela’s legacy: The freefall of South Africa by Alex Newman, WND, Dec. 18, 2013
  • [xxxii]      Half a million South Africans murdered since 1994 by Staff Writer, Business Tech, June 9, 2017
  • [xxxiii]     Mandela’s legacy: The freefall of South Africa by Alex Newman, WND, Dec. 18, 2013
  • [xxxiv]     Ibid.
  • [xxxv]      Ibid.
  • [xxxvi]     Ibid.
  • [xxxvii]    South Africa Enters “Second Phase” of Communist Revolution by Alex Newman, The New American, June 30, 2014
  • [xxxviii]  Umrabulo Special Edition African National Congress NGC 2015 –
  • [xxxix]     BRICS Regimes Forge New World Bank, Call for Global Currency by Alex Newman, The New American, April 3, 2013
  • [xl]   SI Council meeting in Portugal 04-05 February 2013
  • [xli] Jacob Zuma sings “Kill the Boer” at ANC Centenery Celebrations in Bloemfontein, South Africa
  • [xlii] Can whites escape post-Mandela bloodbath? by Alex Newman, WND, Dec. 9, 2013
  • [xliii]        Murder rate for these white farmers 20 times international average by Alex Newman, WND, April 1, 2017
  • [xliv]        Ibid.
  • [xlv] Ibid.
  • [xlvi]        New ‘preppers’ strategize to defeat genocide by Alex Newman, WND, Feb. 25, 2017
  • [xlvii]       Ibid.
  • [xlviii]      AmaBhulu – The Birth and Death of the Second America by Harry Booyens, Feb. 25, 2014

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