• Voters Said No But Government Finds A Way

    August 13, 2024
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    Even though CO citizens voted against Proposition HH last fall, the government had a back up plan — and they got it done. Wealth redistribution in opposition to the people’s vote. 

    Hooray for democracy! 

    Colorado Capitol, Boston Public Library (Public Domain)

    From the Tabor Foundation:

    “Today the TABOR Committee relinquished hope that people would be able to vote on saving their TABOR refunds. ‘There were simply not enough time and resources to collect the signatures in time for a citizen’s veto’ said Committee Director Rebecca Sopkin, who filed the ballot measure to repeal the 2024 law. A new law establishes a new income redistribution program using about half of everyone’s TABOR refund.”

    As a reminder, TABOR is in the Colorado Constitution, and it is intended to return tax money to those who paid taxes. 

    “The Committee explained that the income redistribution only happens if there is a TABOR refund and so why, if this program is so important to proponents, did legislators fail to place it under the general fund budget?”

    Why indeed? 

    Read the full statement here

    Colorado is a cautionary tale for the nation. 

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