• 07/27/2024

    Wolves, Wolverines, & Political Fever Dreams

    May 19, 2024
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    Colorado’s wolf saga is an excellent example of big government solving problems created by big government. 

    YouTube Screen Grab, CNN

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    From Agdaily.com earlier this month, “As ranchers in Grand County, Colorado, grapple with navigating calving season and newly introduced wolves, Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the Colorado Department of Agriculture say they’re working to support non-lethal predator control.”

    The article covers mitigation strategies for dealing with the wolves released by the Polis Administration. A problem created entirely by a politician’s pet project against the pleadings of those most impacted: Colorado’s rural populations. 

    So they release a bunch of wolves, and then require “$20,000 to use toward non-lethal deterrents, such as nighttime patrols and herd protection, including range riders.”

    Read the Ag Daily article here, and get excited for the Polis Administration’s next fever dream: Wolverines

    See also:

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